The use of political correctness There are a lot of of ideas that many people do not completely agree on. The one I am going to speak about today's political correctness.One idea is called political correctness. Not everyone sees political correctness as a good thing. Both sides will be further discussed, but I agree with the use of political correctness. It can be beneficial and have some disadvantages. One example is with the term black sheep as mentioned in the Word Police. Why bring race into a term that really has nothing to really do with race? People could ask why does the sheep have to be black. Some may argue that is is just a term people use just a way of speaking., but some …show more content…
He sees that people are not using the right words in the right places. I would say that George Orwell,author of Politics and the English Language does not agree with political correctness. Political correctness is beneficial because t protects people feelings. For example an anti semitic person cannot outright do ah9rm against Jews because of the political correctness. Others would not know how they may feel about Jews. As seen from the text “On the Question of Nigga Authenticity”, the use of the word “nigger” can be offensive. The politically correct term would be African American. It is respectful to say African American. At the same time others may not have a problem being called a " nigger”. I this care political correctness would encourage hate speech because there is a connection between slavery and the word nigger. Generalizing a certain group can seen as hurtful, but then again it depends on how you spin it. This term is ued …show more content…
According to the Word Police, political correctness has some disadvantages. In each case , “the would be censor aspires to suppress what he or she finds distasteful all of course in the name of public good” So this does limit what you have to say.Another Speaking out could cause violence or squabbles. One way that Anti semitism can start is through anti-Semitism. As seen from this ADL.,Anti-Defamation League: Anti-Kushner tweets were anti-Semitic. The article speech is threatened on Twitter. This is not something that the ADL is encouraging. They are trying to fight against it. In closing , political correctness helps a lot of people. Although there are a lot of standpoints that can defend this. Equally the other side, has some advantages. Not everybody believes political correctness is a good thing.One standpoints that can defend this. Equally the other side, has some advantages. Not everybody believes political correctness is in the nest interest of everyone. We all have our
The politically correct movement is made
Political correctness according to the merriam webster dictionary is: agreeing with the idea that people should be careful to not use language or behave in a way that could offend a particular group of people. Being politically correct is something that is encouraged by many in order to avoid offensive terms that may result in violence, protest, etc. So if the chalk writings only said “Vote Trump” or “Trump 2016” there would be fewer issues surrounding the messages if
In this article the research I collected explains the use of political correctness at a University. The purpose of political correctness is to avoid or take extreme measures to desist any action or expression that may exclude, marginalize, or insult groups of people who are socially disadvantaged or discriminated against. It is clear that majority of the people in this article are not satisfied by the way issues were handled at the University. The author presented relevant information to answer the question; “Is political correctness an enemy of free speech?”. Some government officials that were brought into this situation, agreed with political correctness and what it means. While doing this research I learned that political correctness in not only this, but also is a tool used to control people's speech so that no one feels offended. I believe political correctness is barricade for anyone who wants a power of choice. Moreover, this article is useful for an analysis on limitations for societies in
The sad truth here is that we are in an era of out of control political-correctness. Anyone can at any time manipulate a situation to make themselves feel offended. What a pathetic waste of time.
In an article from The Washington Post, Cathy Cuthbertson, a Trump supporter, said, ““You know, I couldn’t say ‘Merry Christmas.’ And when we wrote things, we couldn’t even say ‘he’ or ‘she,’ because we had transgender. People of color. I mean, we had to watch every word that came out of our mouth, because we were afraid of offending someone,”(Tumulty and Johnson). Cuthbertson’s feelings embody much of those who oppose political correctness. Most of the oppositions to political corrections stem from the argument
I believe freedom of speech is becoming more and more subjective. Being politically correct has become a top priority in today’s world. Offending people and freedom of speech are, in my opinion, connected. There are many people who believe that if someone doesn’t share their opinions, they are automatically at odds. There are many ways in which people feel limited in what they say because of this notion. People who are in the media feel this pressure over and above what the average person does. Their careers can be jeopardized if they say something that angers the wrong crowd.
Not only does political correctness limit language, it limits competition between groups. For example the competition between the upper and lower class for power would cease if we were made to be politically correct. We need the upper and lower class for our society to function correctly. Without competition society can not thrive, and the philosophy of political correctness attempts to make people equals which effectively blocks individual success thus eliminating any motive to take the risks necessary to succeed. How can a person move up in this world with out stepping on others, and every time someone steps on someone else they will use methods or words that could be taken as politically incorrect. It is the nature of capitalism and democracy to have competing groups which ultimately leads to a separation of the bourgeoisie and proletariat or the upper and lower class. This is the greatest good a capitalistic democratic society can reach because the factions are not permanent; the members of each group are free to move
Political correctness is a concept encouraged in the simplicity of technology. And perhaps, it is political correctness which tears apart and inhibits the expression of the self, leading to suppression and depression. Technology is the vector by which expression can be allowed or burned into ashes.
The term “nigga” is commonly used by the younger members of the American society. The term derives from the racial slur “nigger” that was used to stigmatize African Americans. Nigger is a noun in the English language. Nigger is said to be derived from “neger” which was the English pronunciation of “negre” in French which is derived from "negro", the Spanish word for black. There is a lot of controversy around the distinction between the words nigga and nigger. Many feel both are derogative terms. Some African Americans only find offense if the word is used by someone not particularly in their ethnic group. While others feel the word is still hurtful and disrespectful. The word nigga is often considered a term of endearment among the young
There is constant censorship on what we can or cannot say, to avoid offending anyone. We call this idea or rather an idea that has recently turned into a belief by society, political correctness. Many of us (not including myself), practice this belief. It defeats it’s own purpose and goals at times, but it also has its moments when it becomes virtuous. The hard part for society is where to draw the line, the line where oneself can differentiate the times it is and isn’t appropriate.
There are too many tangled webs attached to it as a theoretical construct, as a category for discerning personal feelings about someone. When Political Correctness comes into the mix, there are even worse negative effects, take away the idea that it stops “unnecessary offence,” and what is left? Political correctness creates a disruption in debate and blocks the first amendment right of freedom of speech. It inhibits personal feelings, accentuating unnecessary feelings of guilt, that force the speaker into believing that they are guilty of some high treason speaking about a subject as if it were a leper. Political Correctness’ negative consequences far outweigh the good, and lead it to have negative impacts on society, through over compensation in things like racial quotas, and reverse racism. As long as people feel the need to put others into categories, fat, skinny, white, black, etc., there will be a racial discussion, and it is furthered by Political correctness pointing out that people need to sidestep certain topics, by sidestepping it, there is a spotlight on it, and it is brought into focus, and forces race to be a part of popular
The term politically correct first appeared in the 1960’s and from then it has evolved far beyond its originally purposes. In his article “Apple Removes All American Civil War Games From the App Store Because of the Confederate Flag”, Tasos Lazarides informs people about Apple’s decision to remove the imagery of the Confederate Battle Flag the author does not take a strong position in the argument. He uses the article more for informational purposes, as opposed to using the article for an argument. Recently there has been uproar over the use of the Confederate Battle Flag. People find it offensive and therefore, it is being taken down everywhere. The flag is historical and does carry connotations; however, that is
However, many groups claim that political correctness in society is justified in its efforts to sanitize offensive material created though years of oppressing minorities. What was originally a noble idea, to remove blatant words of offensive meaning, has turned into an “over the top” effort to rid any words of possible controversy. We are regulating our ways of plain speaking, freedom of choice, and freedom of speech. Laws of restrictions on slander and public decency should be decided on the common law methodology and not by the interests of the liberal “mob”. If plain speaking is not allowed, clear thinking is
Political Correctness, or ‘PC’ is seemingly becoming very popular around the nation. Opponents of it argue that people are just getting too sensitive and the ‘PC police’ were stepping in to silence free speech.
Nigger. A word formed from the Spanish word “niger” and “negro”, meaning black. A word that was often used as a racial slur and insults against black people. This word has been used in a derogatory way since the 1800s. It is a term of exclusion and a verbal justification for discrimination. Nowadays in the 21st century, people use the slang word nigga which stems from nigger. Over the years there has been some controversy about who should be allowed to say the slang word nigga. The connection between The Fire This Time and this topic is in Carol Anderson’s excerpt from her book, White Rage, Ronald Reagan’s key political strategist, Lee Atwater says, “You start out in 1954 by saying ‘Nigger, nigger, nigger’ By 1968 you can’t say ‘nigger’