
The Reaction Of Polymerase Chain Reaction

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Polymerase Chain Reaction:
Polymerase chain reaction, also known as PCR, a technology that has made a tremendous impact on researchers, and has also affected many aspects of our everyday lives. The introduction of recombinant DNA technology has revolutionized the study of life as a tool for the biological sciences. Molecular cloning allowed the study of individual genes of living organisms; however there was dependence of obtaining a relatively large quantity of pure DNA. Scientists found it extremely difficult to get a specific DNA in quantity from the mass of genes present in a biological sample. A technique that amplifies DNA through a simple enzymatic reaction, was developed by Karry Mullis at that time which enabled scientists to make millions - or even billions - of copies of a DNA molecule in a very short time. PCR is a quick, less expensive and a very simple way of copying a specific DNA fragments from minute quantities of source DNA material, even if the source DNA is of relatively poor quality.
Reasons for the amplification of DNA.
1) To create multiple copies of a portion of DNA which is very rare. For example a forensic scientist may need to amplify a small fragment of DNA from a crime scene or a parenting test.
2) To compare two different samples of DNA to know which one is more abundant. Because DNA is microscopic so we cannot visualize it in a tube. However, if we amplify both samples at the same rate, we can calculate which sample was more to begin with by

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