
The Reality Of Television : Television, It Really Isn 't That Long

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When you think about how long the LGBTQ community has been represented on television, it really isn’t that long. Although gays and lesbians have only been on television for a short period of time, it seems that we have come a long way. Today, there are so many characters on television that are gay or lesbian as well as transgender. Many actors and actresses are openly gay or transgender and have made a name for themselves on TV shows. Even though it is great that there are more LBGTQ appearances on television, there still seems to be natural biases and stereotypes that are portrayed in media. Many characters that are gay seem to be flamboyant while lesbians appear manly. Hopefully, as time goes on, we will be able to break these social norms and accept any character for who they are designed to be rather than what the public wants to see. It wasn’t until the early 70’s that gay and lesbian couples popped up on screens across the country as reoccurring roles in TV series. The first gay relationship televised was That Certain Summer, a made-for TV movie which aired in 1972. This was the first instant where a homosexual relationship was shown as sympathetic rather being seen as a sin or acting wrongfully. (Rice,2015). This movie received countless awards for its storyline making it a game changer for the LBGTQ community on television. Although there was still a long way to go. One of the short lived series on ABC was Hot I Baltimore, a story about an older gay couple living

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