
The Reasons behind Why Dictatorial Leaders Separte Children from Their Families

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There are a lot of things to think about when you ponder why dictatorial leaders would force children to live apart from their families. Some of the biggest questions that form in my head are, “Do the parents agree to this?” and, “Why would children not be allowed to grow up with their families?” I know that I would not want to live like that. I do have theories, though, for why leaders would enforce this type of law.
One, it gives children an opportunity to learn how to take care of themselves. If they were to stay with their families, they don’t have a chance to live in a way they would in the future, which is often alone until you are able to get married or find a roommate/someone to stay with. A law like this would also ensure …show more content…

If children didn’t leave with these parents, they wouldn’t have the chance to be told that what they’ve learned isn’t true, and the leader would be able to continue “brainwashing” these kids with whatever information they wanted to. This would be a more selfish reason, but it could still be very likely.
A fifth reason that would branch off of that would be giving kids reason to trust that leader and his ideas. Again, many children speak with their parents or guardians about topics such as believing in the government and other ideas having to do with that, and often kids can get ideas that their leader should be overthrown or killed because they trust the adult telling them this. If the leader took control of that by making kids live away from these adults, they would basically be destroying anything a child could do when he grows up such as overthrow or kill this leader. Another selfish reason, but again very likely.
Now, these 5 reasons are just a few of the many reasons dictatorial leaders would force children to live apart from their families. A lot of these reasons are selfish, likely reasons but a couple are logical that would make us believe leaders have good intentions for the future of those children. Whatever the reason, it is an interesting technique for raising children, but it must be effective if leaders still use it. As I think about my questions from above, I realize that maybe some parents aren’t okay

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