
The Recovery Orientation / Paradigm Model Of Treatment

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What is the recovery orientation/paradigm model of treatment? The treatment would be to take a closer look at the recovery life for the individual or family instead of fixing it. For example this article talks about using the model in substance abuse such as; Lorie Obernauer, PhD, recovery consultant and coach and former Alumni Coordinator at CeDAR in Colorado, says that at CeDAR (Center for Dependency, Addiction and Rehabilitation), “We are actually putting something into play that is really directed to helping our clients live in recovery and use some new tools to understand the new world that they are now entering.”(S. Brys). The author talks about “She says this model of treatment is a solution-oriented model rather than one of relapse prevention, as it has been in the past. Obernauer will be presenting on this topic at this month’s National Conference on Addiction Disorders with Steve Millette, MS, LAC, Executive Director of CeDAR”(Brys). She explains how treatments professionals can be “tour guides,” helping clients move from what William White calls a “culture of addiction” to a “culture of recovery.” Here are other examples that she uses for when the family or individuals are ready to move on to culture of recovery; Language: Obernauer says swearing and slang may be used frequently in the addiction culture. “There are ‘buzz words’ for certain drugs or for ‘getting high’ that you 'd probably only know if you were an addict,” she explains. Dress: In the

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