
The Red Scare

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McCarthyism basically is the practice unfair accusations that are made against a person or group of people. During the cold In the time of the Cold War Americans were paranoid and vulnerable, as they never knew when the Soviet Union, or any other communist-totalitarian state would attack. “McCarthyism” gave Americans a sort of “hope” to get fight against communism in their own country. Joseph McCarthy, a U.S. Senator, became the face of the national fear of communist infiltration. Officials could not stop McCarthy from destroying people’s by accusing them of being a communist as then they themselves would be accused.

The “Red Scare”, the fear of communism rising and becoming widespread. This further propelled the McCarthy’s agenda and caused him to become more widely accepted and believed. The House Un-American Activities Committee, which investigated the “disloyalty” of people and organizations. This committee stepped all over Americans rights, as shown in a political cartoon drawn by Herb Block. They were able to do this as the majority of Americans supported it, because of the fear of at-communism taking over. The Rosenberg case revealed how biased and fearful the American judicial system and public were. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were …show more content…

Edward Murrow stated, “we must not confuse dissent with disloyalty”, as stated in the Topic Inquiry DBQ. In other words, it is wrong to believe the disapproval of the states’ actions and perceptions meant that person or group of people were disloyal to their country. This is never the case as someone can believe in a cause or goal, but not support the actions being taken to help that cause or goal. These dismissive and biased views made many American who opposed the action of McCarthy’s followers keep their mouth shut, as they did not want to be targets

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