
The Reentry Policy Brief Provides

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Executive Summary
The Reentry policy brief provides input to the Task Force set up by Florida Governor Rick Scott to reduce the number of incarcerated juveniles and avoid increasing the already wide racial disparities of the incarcerated population of juveniles. Most reentry facilities in Florida are run by reentry programs that were expanded from Transition from Prison to Community (TPC) and Transition from Jail to Community (TJC) models. Yet these programs appear to not have fully addressed recidivism among juveniles and are also not tailored to lower the widening racial disparities among the incarcerated juvenile population. Better evidence-based reentry practices are needed to ensure that these programs are not only effective in discontinuing the cycle of recidivism but also address the disproportionate minority contact. A growing body of research demonstrates that comprehensive multi-dimensional reentry frameworks increase the chances of reentry programs stopping the cycle of crime among Florida’s juvenile offenders. A comprehensive multi-dimensional reentry program refers to a standardized program that is implemented statewide and which incorporates evidence based practices such as assessment of needs and risks, individual case planning, and cognitive behavioral interventions.

Criminal justice statistics released by the Annie E. Casey Foundation in 2013 indicated that incarceration numbers for youths in the State of Florida dropped by 32 percent between

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