
The Reflection Of 5 Senses As I Believe It Is An Exceptional Learning Experience For Grade 2 Learners

Satisfactory Essays

I have chosen the topic 5 senses as I believe it is an exceptional learning experience for grade 2 learners. It has many learning outcomes which apply to the Australian National Curriculum and has many learning sequences in there for the results for grade 2 students at the end of the year 2 level. I have chosen to do a group activity for my group of learners this means that the students will be learning from each other and extending themselves by working with others in the group who are academically superior and to be comfortable with sharing and expanding their ideas if they are within a group. Lee Vygotsky’s concept of ZPD supports this as he has the theory MKO also known as (More acknowledgeable other) meaning someone in the group who has more of an understanding or a higher ability level then the other learner in a specific situation. Lee Vygotsky states that the MKO is typically thought of as being a Teacher or someone who leads, or can also be known as peers, or even technology that can provide knowledge unto them. So The concept of the “More knowledgeable other” is fundamentally linked to the second important principle of Vygotsky 's work, the Zone of Proximal Development, it is an important concept that relates to the difference between what a child can achieve on their own, and what a child can achieve with leadership and encouragement from a skilled partner. Vygotsky believes that the environment that children grow up in, will influence how they think, and how they

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