
The Reflection Of Management : Personal Experience

Decent Essays

I would like to begin with the quote “Knowing others is wisdom, mastering yourself is Enlightenment”. In this course I have discovered more about myself all through the class formally as well as informally. To my surprise few of the Management skills I was performing in my day to day life in a corporate environment without even knowing it. And then there are some brand new skills I have learnt in the class, such as Tuckman’s team model, Drexler/Sibbet team performance model.
Personal Experience
At first I was thinking I am a helper (Type 2 enneagram) but to my amazement, I found out that I am an Achiever (Type 3 enneagram). As a type 3 personalities are extroverts I did not find difficulty in any stages of “Tuckman’s team model”. All the process of forming, storming, norming, performing went well. And in our team almost all are extroverts so we sat and discussed about the 5 dysfunction of the team. We made sure in the beginning that there is a strong bond of trust in the team, so that no one felt left out of the group.
In my academic and professional life I have taken presentation for several times, but sometimes I felt somewhere I am going wrong when I came across the unsatisfied audience. Though I made sure that I know about the subject very well still I cannot engage my audience fully. Just after this class I realised my mistake, even though I prepared well for the presentation I made a mistake by keeping the presentation more text oriented instead of

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