
The Relationship Between Boy And Girl And Young People Who Make Up Our Microsystem

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The family, whatever their constitution, as the first and most important group of belonging of human beings, within which interact with the first people who make up our microsystem, where everyone comes into contact with a variety of expressions and values that shape our subjectivity, ideally primary function to take care of all its members, ensure their underage persons full enjoyment and development of their mental and intellectual faculties, guide them with affection of a natural state of dependency and immaturity, one of progressive independence, social and emotional maturity.

It is expected that from the first interactions, the boy or girl can build self-knowledge, learn their own value, gain their emotional security, their emotional …show more content…

The wealth of a child 's microsystem as a risk or prevention factor for the occurrence of situations of child abuse will therefore depend both on the life history of the adults responsible for their care and their particular convictions in As to patterns of relationship and education, the characteristics of other people with whom me.

MESOSYSTEM, (relationships that are established between the different immediate surroundings of the subject, for example the relationship between family and school): Grandmother, the main interaction with the teacher was on her part. The interaction between neighbors and my grandmother.

The mesosystems would be given by those connections existing between the different areas to get through my daily life. The Bronfenbrenner model maintains that mesosystems are basic for development, in this respect I can point out that for the time we mentioned, I clearly remember how my grandmother interacted with my neighbors from relationships of hypocrisy and gossip and with my teachers from the relationship of friends And older ladies.
EXOSISTEMA, (organization of the

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