
Relationship Between Hospice And Dying Patients

Good Essays

Christie Dillman
Sandy Fontana
English 112
7 February 2017
Six Months to Live Suppose your a doctor have given you only six months to live, due to a terminal illness. Your doctor has given you a two options. The first option is to continue harsh treatments and provide you with all life support needs. The treatments are very risky, the doctors are skeptical that they will even work, and you the patient could die even faster than expected. Your second choice is to go home, allowing hospice to maintain your pain level, allow you to be comfortable, and allow you to maintain your quality of life. The relationship between hospice care and the dying patient is critical because it allows the dying patient to receive treatment that …show more content…

The doctor 's gave him several choice 's. His choice was not to endure any treatment for the cancer, and have hospice come to the home and provide him with end of life treatment. He believed any treatment would make him sicker and unable to enjoy the rest of his life. He wanted to be with family, friends, and come to peace with his diagnosis. Our family was able to be there with him during his last months, and able to be with him when he took his last breath. Hospice provided all the care needed for him to be comfortable and not in pain. They not only provided support for him but also provides support for us. He was able to die with peace and dignity in the comfort of his own home with the ones he loved and cared for. If hospice would have not existed, he would have had to die in a cold and uncomfortable hospital.
Hospice works with the dying patient to come up with specific dose 's of pain medications and any other medication 's to relieve symptoms of illness, to allow the patient a level of comfort through out the dying process. These medications may have to be adjusted time and time again to meet the patients pain levels and suffering of symptoms throughout the process. Messages, physical therapy, and the body adjusted in different positions are done to circulate blood, help with stiffness, and prevent bed sores.
Unfortunately, during the dying process patients become weak and more fragile. Eventually, they become less independent and more

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