
The Relationship Between The Healthcare Leaders Style Of Leadership Behaviors And Its Effect On The Followers ' S

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In a time of national healthcare reform and financial uncertainty it is imperative that healthcare leaders use resources effectively by investing in quality to reduce costs and increase the quality and safety of care to prevent ‘never events,” such as pressure ulcers, surgical site infections, vascular-catheter associated infection, catheter-associated urinary tract infection, administration of incompatible blood, and falls (Institute of Medicine 2001). However, this requires the development of high performing teams that can deliver safe, effective, efficient, timely and equitable, patient-centered care.
Leaders are expected to lead and followers expected to follow- but are the two really that different? Not really. This paper focuses …show more content…

A good working relationship between leader and follower is needed to create conditions that are conducive to increased safety and high performance. Research conducted by Hackman & Wageman (2007) concluded that few individuals are actually leaders and Ciulla (2003) found that the majority of leaders spent most of their working lives in “following” roles rather than leading ones. According to Bennis (2008) commitment and action on the part of followers is not necessarily dependent on the leaders behaviors and attributes, but also on the followers’ attributes and views. Cavell (2007) stated, “We need to be good, supportive followers for our leaders to be successful.” All leaders possess traits that will likely lead them to being successful and identified the following traits of a good leader: visionary, effective communicator, honesty, attentive listener, patience, decisive, developed positive objectives, exuded high energy and passion, was self driven and charismatic.
Transformational and transactional leadership are two leadership styles have been identified that offer profound influence on employee’ perceptions and behaviors toward management and determine followership (Mosely & Patrick, 2011). These styles are polar opposites and span cultural and organizational boundaries. At some point in their career a leader

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