
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Reactional Leadership In Management By Exception

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In Management-by-Exception, however, the leader takes action only when major deviations from plans are evident.
As mentioned before, in order to have a successful organization, it is very important to have a suitable leadership style to guide the company. Motivating, praising and examining the employees are not enough to influence the workers to be better. Hence, in this case, transactional leadership is one of the most effective leadership styles as it rewards the employees for the good performances and punish for bad performances. This could encourage the workers to be better and to be more aware of their work. There are many advantages in having transactional leadership style as a leader because with this healthy competition between coworkers …show more content…

According to Patiar and Mia, 2009 (as cited in Dai, Dai, Chen & Wu, 2013), there are a few disadvantages of having transactional leadership as a leader because the leader only offers a limited or none involvement in any decisions making in any tasks given. Therefore, there is not much exposure given to the followers in how to manage and overcome such situations. However, the voluntary actions made by the employees are highly encouraged as the actions may turn into rewards. Effective leaders built the interest of the employees by providing contingent incentives, promises and trusts that had succeed in achieving the goals of the organization (Bass, 2000). Many researchers have been studied the way of transactional leadership for many years and different ways with different variable. However, there are none of the researchers knows exactly and how to define the term transactional leadership style. There is a study made by Howell & Merenda (1999) stated that the researchers have been studied the relationship of leader-member exchange between transformational and transactional leadership style in workers‟ performances and found that compared to

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