
The Relative International Diversification Benefits Of Adrs Essay

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Using data from various countries, subsequent studies continue to investigate the relative international diversification benefits of ADRs. However, the empirical findings are inconclusive. For example, ussing weekly data of 113 ADRs from 8 countries (Australia, France, Japan, Netherlands, South Africa, Spain, Sweden and UK) during the period of January 1980 to September 1994, Jiang (1998) find that US portfolio with investment in ADR portfolios achieves better risk-adjusted returns than that containing foreign market index portfolios. Differing from Jiang, Bekaert and Urias (1999) investigate the gains from holding the emerging market closed-end mutual funds, open-end mutual funds, and ADRs in a global equity portfolio.35 Using mean-variance spanning tests, they find that 35Their sample of closed-end funds consists of 23 U.S. funds and 19 U.K. funds investing in emerging markets as 70 diversification benefits from emerging equity markets are sensitive to the time periods of the tests, and in some cases, to the particular investment vehicle. There are similar diversification benefits accruing to direct exposure to emerging market indexes, managed funds and ADR portfolios. Their findings confirm that ADRs are useful for international diversification purpose. Using monthly data from 17 countries - seven developed economies and 10 emerging economies over the period of 1976 to 1993, Errunza et al. (1999) comprehensively analyze the gains from investing in three types of US traded

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