
The Republic Of Angol The Popular Movement For The Liberation Of Congo

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Introduction The Republic of Angola is a country located in the south-western part of Africa. Angola is north of Namibia, south of Democratic Republic of the Congo, and west of Zambia. Before it gained independence in 1975, Angola was a colony under Portugal’s rule. After Angola’s independence, the country fell into a civil war that lasted for 27 years. There were two major forces in the civil war: the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA) and the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA). Even though Angola is still recovering from the war, its real GDP has been growing ever since the end of the civil war. Economy Key Terms: -GDP stands for gross domestic product, and it is the value of all goods and services produced inside the country. It is calculated by adding government spending, household consumption, investments and savings, exports, and subtracting imports. -PPP stands for purchasing power parity, and it is the adjustments made to the GDP figures so that the same amount of money would be able to buy the same basket of goods anywhere in the world. -GDP per capita is dividing the GDP by the population and getting an estimate of how much money the average person makes annually in the country. -Expansion is increasing GDP in 2 consecutive quarters. -Recession is decreasing GDP in 2 consecutive quarters. Angola’s GDP composition: Most of Angola’s GDP is household consumption. Second biggest is government spending due to money spent on reconstruction after

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