
The Rez Sisters

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The scrape of Aboriginals in The Ecstasy of Rita Joe and The Rez Sisters Harinivetha.v Assistant professor Department of English S.R.N.M. College Sattur. George Ryga’s The Ecstasy of Rita Joe and Tomson Highway’s The Rez Sister present fragmented societies touched by racial prejudices and cultural losses, the authors adopts different perspectives and tones, conveying variant messages about Aboriginals’ plight. In The Ecstasy of Rita Joe, which is a play about a young Natives woman who is alienated both from the reserve and city life, Ryge conveys a critical and pessimistic outlook about Native’s hopeless situation as Rita is trapped by the white colonialist insensitivity. In The Rez Sister, which is a modern tragicomedy, Highway presents …show more content…

Both plays address this issue. In The Rez sisters, Philomena tells how she had to give up her child for adoption and how she wishes she could find her child in Toronto. Similarly, in The Ecstasy, in a discussion about founding a family, Rita mentions that Clara Hill is unaware of where her children are?. “Goddam it!” (RS 49) answers Jamie, revealing the extent of his anger about this cruel fact. In the trial, when confronted by the magistrate about what she will do with her girl, Rita answers that she would rather kill her child than give her away as the Magistrate suggests she should (RS 35). Parting with one’s progenitors is a definite rupture; a vacuum is created in Aboriginals’ cultural continuity and their …show more content…

Rita is caught in a spiral of events. All scenes skilfully echo the Aboriginals’ deep-rooted pain, complaints and aspiration. These plays have now attained national and international recognition, which is not surprising since the human tragedy of disregard, disrespect and intentional indifference is still the lot of many people, such as the many minority groups who constantly strive to appropriate their voice, and reclaim their identity and their way of life amidst the overwhelming power of ruling

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