
The Rhetoric Of The Cuban Revolution

Decent Essays

These last few lines are interesting for various reasons. First, it is a fine example of a message that Castro often employs which is the sacrifice of the individual in favor of the betterment of the country as a whole (Valdés 31). Part of the way to gain the people’s support was to obtain “Legitimacy derived from service, not self-interest” (Valdés 31). Castro makes himself sound like a martyr as he talks about the torture and belittlement he says he will endure while imprisoned. The historical experiences not only led to this idea of painting self-interest as bad, but also led to a way of legitimizing actions. The last famous last line in which the title comes from actually was paraphrase of a quote given by José Martí, who is a very important …show more content…

The Second Declaration of Havana and Postcolonialism
A major part of the political rhetoric that was given by the leaders of the Cuban Revolution, and in particular Fidel Castro relate to a study of literature called post-colonial theory. To understand the political rhetoric used in Cuban Revolution, and some of the other Latin American revolutions in the first phase of revolutions in the 1960s, there has to be an understanding of the postcolonial idea. Postcolonial theories engage with historical experiences that involve changing power structures between countries (Walder 2). Most writers about post-colonial theory conceptualize the theory as meaning the period after independence (Ashcroft, Griffiths, Tiffin 1), However, one of the leading books on the theory, The Empire Writes Back, offers another definition.The authors of that book posit that the term postcolonial can “cover all the culture affected by the imperial process …show more content…

It is a common criticism of the theory because many see it as not concerning itself enough with Latin American countries. An example of this would be how the writers of The Empire Writes Back identified countries who were seen as postcolonial when they wrote, “So the literatures of African countries, Australia, Bangladesh, Canada, Caribbean countries, India, Malaysia, Malta, New Zealand, Pakistan, Singapore, South Pacific Island countries, and Sri Lanka are all postcolonial literatures.” (Ashcroft, Griffiths, Tiffin 2). Only the mention of Caribbean countries signify the inclusion of Latin America to the theory, and even then the countries are far outnumbered by the rest. There was also a tendency of these authors to focus on former colonies of the British empire (Walden 61). However, because this theory consists of such factors as “trade and conquest” and these former colonies’ reactions to them there is a place for Latin America as a whole in the context of this theory. Countries such as Cuba and Mexico, are still experiencing the effects of their history with colonialism and have used writing as a way to obtain agency. This is seen through the discourse of revolutionaries like Castro and Che, and later on from Subcommander Marcos. They use their respective country's’ history to further their arguments and to justify

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