
The Rime Of Ancient Mariner

Decent Essays

Nikita Raval
Professor: C .Thompson
Date: 11/11/2015
The Rime of Ancient Mariner Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834) is a lyrical poet, critic, and philosopher. The poem “The Rime of Ancient Mariner” was first published as a lyrical ballad in the year 1798. The poem recounts sailor who came back from long sea voyage. The poem is about three people who attend a wedding when a long gray -bearded and glittered eye person stops one of them, Seeking attention from all of the guests, he tells them that he is going narrate a story about one of the life threatening- experiences (Taylor Lines 1-5).The poem describes the grief and his final realization he has at the end of his …show more content…

“Higher and higher every day, till over the mast at noon -The Wedding-Guest here beat his breast, for he heard the loud bassoon” Days passed by, the sun rose in “left” and set on “right” that they had finally reached the equator (Taylor Lines 30-33). The wedding guests were tired and stressed wondering how long the story would be? They had no choice but to listen. "And now the storm-blast came, and he was tyrannous and strong: He struck with his o 'ertaking wings, and chased us south along”, soon the storm strikes the ship; the storm is described as “Tyrannous and strong” characterizing the harsh, cruel and unopposed. The storm is metamorphosed as a huge flying object that has chased the ship in southward direction (Taylor Line 34-44).
“And now there came both mist and snow and it grew wondrous cold: And ice, mast-high, came floating by, And it grew wondrous cold: And ice, mast-high, came floating by, as green as emerald” (Taylor Lines 45-48). The storm is so strong that its force drives them to artic and now there is snow and mist, it started growing colder and colder, and a huge iceberg came floating that appeared green emerald. They discover that they are completely surrounded by snow in a place where no human existence was actually possible. There were fearful noises all around, approaching from a distance was an albatross. It related to a god and peace, it is a “Christian soul”, guests breathed a little relief in the name of god

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