
The Rise Of A Middle Class Essay

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Early nineteenth century France gave rise to the ultimate social class called the Bourgeoisie. The Bourgeoisie consisted of the factory owners, wealthy bankers and the rest of upper class and their prestigious employment positions. The upper class glorified a life full of glamor and materialism. In contrast, the lower class or the working class came to be the proletariats. The working class appreciated hard work and strived to improve their circumstances; however, the Bourgeoisie strived to ensure the rise of a middle class did not occur in order to retain their reign in France. Over time, the gap between the upper and lower class grew and attitudes of jealousy and resentment among the lower class showed and these attitudes were seething among other proletariats in excess. As with any shift in culture, the authors, and artists of the time capture the change and attach their perception on influences the time period. In the nineteenth century France, the authors, and artists moved to realism, which reflects more truthful settings and everyday life and pulls away from idealism. A great example of a work of realism in this time period comes from Gustave Flaubert’s work Madame Bovary. Madame Bovary follows the life of Emma and Charles Bovary and highlights the lows and highs of pinning for a Bourgeoisie life in a way where the reader feels this story could be about them. The effects of a life of excess reflect in Madame Bovary through the characters, the character’s interaction

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