
The Rise Of Anxiety

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Anxiety affects more than 25% of American teens every year, with the number continuously on the rise. The disorder is the most common type of mental disorder and reason to blame is society. Society makes young teens believe that they have the ability to do anything they want in life. While most parents encourage their kids to do whatever they would like, there is a huge shock for the kid when they find out that it was just a dream. Not everything is that way. For me, anxiety has a special place in my brain, which causes me to overthink everything. I constantly feel like nothing I do is good enough or the right thing to do in any given situation. To fight the battle against anxiety, I plan to find things that make me the happiest, stop worrying …show more content…

Your brain is going nonstop with hundreds of possible scenarios that could go wrong. I plan on searching for things that make me happy and distract me, so that I never have time to just sit and think. School is the worst place for someone with anxiety to be. It is very easy to get distracted during a lecture, taking a test, or reading a book; there is always so much time to think about things you did not do right in the past or things that are coming up in the future. A quote by Dawn Wells describes, “We take it one day at a time, one step at a time and whatever comes, comes” (QuoteHD). Coping with anxiety is a very hard thing for me to do. By taking one day at a time, I will be able to focus on the present and not worry about what is to come in the future or what has happened in the …show more content…

As girls, we are caught up in wanting to be better than everyone else, but want to fit in with everyone else. Since highschool, I believe that I have got over the fact that I won't be like everyone else and that I am my own person. I still have some anxiety in certain social things; I tend to cancel plans last minute, stay at home with my family, and work on schoolwork. I put a lot of pressure on myself to do the best that I can in school, and end up putting a lot of stress on me. To stay positive, I try to remind myself that everything happens for a reason and one day, everything will work out. So as I make my way into college, I hope to learn from my mistakes and learn effective ways to deal with my ongoing

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