
The Rise Of Corporate Capitalism

Decent Essays

Intro: After the Civil War, industrialization kicked off (an after-effect of the Market Revolution). But rather than attempt to control it, the government bowed out instead, claiming itself laissez-faire under Adam Smith’s capitalism ideas, and letting the industrial chips fall where they may. However, it appears the government couldn’t let the “invisible hand” decide the fate of the U.S. market, so they began to intervene in business affairs despite their original pledge not to. The government assisted a great deal in the rise of corporate capitalism (business economy run by corporations and monopolies such as the Standard Oil Company and the U.S. Steel Company) through its laissez-faire policies, railroad involvement, and corruption. T: The U.S. government assisted in the rise of corporations by its laissez-faire policies. R: Take, for instance, the wrong-doings of the railroads and the Sherman Anti-Trust Act. The railroad business was full of shady deals and corrupted railmasters that wasn’t rectified until the Wabash, St. Louis, & Pacific Railroad v. Illinois case. The Sherman Anti-Trust Act was only passed after the mass outcry from cheated citizens. I: An example of the wrong-doings of the railroads would be having a short haul cost more than a long one. Because the railroads were owned by the select few large corporations and wealthy businessmen (Cornelius Vanderbilt owned the New York Central and Hudson River Railroad, which was one of the first giant

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