
The Role Of Australia's Involvement In World War 1

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This report will discuss Australia’s involvement in World War 1 and World War 1 itself. In 1914 Europe was embroiled in a catastrophic war for power, pride and land. This war is now known as The Great War, First World War or The First War, because if it’s unprecedented and unparalleled slaughter, carnage and destruction. The 4-year war was a battle between the Central Powers, who were mainly Germany, Austria-Hungary and Turkey against the allies, who were mainly France, Britain, Italy and Russia. It finally ended in 1918 with the defeat of the Central Powers and also the devastating deaths of 10 million soldiers. Although the assassination of Franz Ferdinand ignited World War 1, there were two long-term tensions that caused the war too …show more content…

One of the first alliances was a secret political alliance named the Dual Alliance in 1879 between Germany and Austria-Hungary, to defend themselves from Russia. This alliance was later updated to the Triple alliance when Italy sought out an alliance after losing their North African ambitions to France. In the alliance, the countries agreed that Italy would assist Germany if France attacked them and would also stay neutral if Russia attacked Austria-Hungary. The alliance was periodically updated, but ended in 1915. Austria-Hungary also made a secret political alliance with Serbia two years later, this alliance is called the Austria-Serbian Alliance. It made Austria-Hungary virtually the sole market for agricultural products from Serbia and thereby dominant. As the Central Powers gain alliances, so did the allies. In 1894 Russian wanted an alliance against Austria-Hungary and France wanted an alliance against Germany. Thus, creating the France-Russian alliance between Russia and France. Three years later Russia also joined forces with Britain in the Anglo-Russian Entente, to end the controversial dispute between the countries. France also joined the Entente in the same year, because of their worsening relationship with Germany. This alliance is called the Triple Entente. Altogether, these six alliances played a major role in starting World War 1, by interconnecting the countries together. Australia volunteered to join the allies, because during that time Australia was still a part of the British Empire and therefore was obligated to support. Australia also felt loyal to their mother country and claimed that they would fight for them ‘to the last man and the last shilling’ (Andrew Fisher, 1914). At the time, Australia was only colonized for 126 years by England, so Australians were trying to prove their loyalty to Britain, by enthusiastically enlisting to the war. (+one

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