
The Role Of Ethics And Social Responsibility In Strategic Planning And Management

Decent Essays

Strategic plan is a blueprint and a guiding document that guides organizations growth by stating what’s need to be done, how it will be done, by who and what is expected of all the involved parties. The role of ethics and social responsibility in strategic planning includes helping organizations in establishing founding ethics, values, and principles that anchor the growth of such company. Such founding pillars help organizations in addressing future issues and concerns regarding globalization, incorporating technology, improving environment and operating in an ethical environment that improves employees and other stakeholders’ involvement and empower them.
Ethics and social responsibility is an essential part of any organization and management must be careful while developing expansion plans such that, they do not overstep on ethical issues that governs businesses. The paper will addresses issues relating to ethics and social responsibility and how they impact on strategic planning and management.According to Crane and Matten (2016), …show more content…

When properly incorporated, they help in developing and adoption of organizational behavior that is driven by sincerity, honesty and transparency. Ethics and social responsibility should offer guidelines in creatinga working environment that promotes and organization’s credibility and influence in the industry they operates in. Ethics and social responsibility should also be the guiding principlesthat guides how organization adheres to set rules and regulations and should also drive a sense of responsibility into its management and employees in empower them to realize that, although some decisions and actions may be legal, they might have adverse implications to ether fellow employees or the environment they operates

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