
The Role Of Financial Information On Public Services Operational Objectives And How They Publish, Report And Measure Financial Performance Essay

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In this assignment I am going to state how financial information is used to support public services operational objectives and how they publish, report and measure financial performance. I am also going to evaluate how efficiency and effectiveness are measured by organisation, while evaluating good practice methods of managing procurement and contracting of services and also the impact of the political environment on the funding of public service organisations.

Wiltshire Police has a smaller savings requirement than most other forces. Wiltshire police has identified that it needs to save £16.7 million over the four yeas of the spending review between March 2011 and March 2015. It has planned how it will save £16.4 million of the £16.7 million so this shows that they still need to find £0.3 million. It is reducing police officer numbers by limiting recruitment and holding vacancies, in order to enforce this there is going to be 139 fewer police officers. Within the first two years the force successfully made 52% (£8.6 million) of the total savings required by March 2015, plans for years 3-4 the plan in place is to achieve a further £3.3 million in 2013/14 and another £4.5 million in 2014/15. The number of Wiltshire’s police officers in frontline roles is planned to reduce by 7% from 1028 in March 2010 to 961 by March 2015.

Prisons in England and Wales are to see their biggest overhaul in a generation and this was unveiled in a White Paper detailing £1.3 billion investment

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