
The Role Of Guilt In The Military

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However Personal values and attitudes of individual does matter towards the war and war like situation, in study conducted in 2001 reveals that Militaristic attitude consistently relates to high priority to self enhancement, power and achievement and conservation i.e. security and conformity while low priority reflects benevolence and universalism while the midst of both refers to the people who doesn’t value human life.(Barbara, Jurgan 2001)
Guilt is part and parcel of character strength association which has more negative impact then positive impact, Guilt is the emotion which has become the major cause of suicide among the armed personnel especially during the combat exposure. A current study conducted explored the interactive effect of directive exposure of combat and guilt of suicidal ideation which resulted in suggesting a stronger relationship of guilt with suicidal ideation that …show more content…

Because of the stigma related to mental illness i.e. we are not mad hence do not need a psychiatrist, they think that it devalues them in front of their relatives and would take the right to live in the same society as others too moreover disorder like ADS doesn’t seem like a mental disorder to them but simply careless attitude of one person, and don’t find it necessary to visit a psychiatrist/psychologist. (Pawar, Rathod 2015)
Based on the review of the literature conclude on understanding stress among the armed forces has left some significant questions unreciprocated. Like there is no study indicating the mental and psychological health of the armed personnel family member, how they cope with stress and how stress affects them when they learn about war like situation or deal with the death- news. Due to which we aim to address some of the unreciprocated question in a simpler yet

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