
What Is The Role Of Greed In Blood Of Angels

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War is the fuel that ignites chaos, death and destruction throughout the world. Novelist Michael Marshall wisely stated in his book Blood of Angels, “There has been no war without atrocity. War is atrocity, pure and simple: only greed, nationalism and faith help us pretend otherwise.” The quotes anti-war stance accurately details wars horrific nature and the unjust circumstances endured by the innocent. Furthermore, it reflects on the idea that patriotism blinds people and significantly contributes to men feeling obliged to join the fight. Finally, it refers to the lust for power and wealth that particular countries possess and how it drives them to make barbaric decisions.

Throughout World War II, Nazi Germany’s discrimination displayed towards Jews was atrocious. Anti-Semitism was ingrained into the German social philosophy and initiated the hate towards Jews. They were forced to endure harsh and arduous manual labor within concentration camps. The prisoners survived off pitiful amounts of food and died of sheer physical exhaustion in weeks. Contagious diseases prevailed due to the lack of sanitary facilities and the …show more content…

The constant need for more plays an evident role in the ignition of conflict and can be clearly seen through historical events. Greed was a significant influence in Spain’s conquest to ransack the Incan Empire of its wealth. The myth that Peru was brimming with gold grabbed Francisco Pizarros attention and resulted in the Spanish inquisition. Towns were pillaged and people were raped, tortured and killed. Incans were enslaved to work for the Spanish. Spain’s leaders ruled Cuzco with an iron fist of cruelty, disrespect and viciousness for the sake of wealth. Over six million Incas died from the war and introduced diseases originating from Europe. Thus, greed is an evil that nations succumb to and only brings turmoil and

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