
The Role Of Human Resources Department At The Management Training Process

Better Essays

In order to understand the role of the Human Resources department in the management training process, there must first be an understanding of the origin and true intention of the implementation of such department. Many business professionals may be under the impression that Human Resources is a modern institution created around the industrial era made famous by the teaching and research of Dave Ulrich. To a certain extent this would be a correct assumption. There are multiple perceptions of the modern Human Resources institution, some perceive the department to strictly be an enforcer of company policy, others might see Human Resources as a department focused solely on the maximization of human potential within the constrains of the law …show more content…

Fast-forward two thousand years into the 19th century and the world encounters the first industrial revolution. This was a period in time in which technology advanced with such posthaste that traditional manufacturing and trade was outmoded virtually overnight. Even with an influx in manufacturing technology the human element was not dispatched. As a matter of fact industry leaders recognized the value of employee productivity and the impact it had on business. In order to meet the ever-increasing business demand manufactures began to employ children. Unfortunately value was placed on work rate and not the wellbeing of these new employees. Many children worked in hazardous conditions and had no hope of receiving even a basic education. Child mortality and disfigurement was alarmingly high as these children were often working in mines or around large industrial machinery. Not soon after the employment of children became standard in the manufacturing industry did a new discourse begin to take place. Unions were formed, legislation was demanded and a paradigm shift took place propelling the issue of employee safety to the forefront of business dialogue. Unions as collective organizations seek to represent their members in relation to the flux and flow of labor–capital relations and in doing so inadvertently took

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