
The Role Of Media Coverage On The Media

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While analysing media ownership, it resulted clear how proprietorial influence plays an important role in citizens’ lives. It is not just a matter of controlling the news outcome but it also directly influences politics where media coverage is essential for the spreading of ideas. Regarding this topic, the perfect example in position of power is Rupert Murdoch, a man whose only cravings are power and control, a man who has built an empire from the ground earning a position of international respect and importance. He has become the face of the news, or more accurately, the man behind the news. Every single person that works for him is subjected to is halo of influence even when he is not around. Politicians fear his power because it can affect their careers, freedom of the press activists sill dream of the day his massive empire will disaggregate. Today’s news is overall influenced by five major companies; therefore, the questions arises spontaneously: can we trust what we read? Media ownership, as concentration of power in the hands of one individual, is considered antidemocratic because it restricts media diversity and becomes an issue for social justice and democracy itself (Freedman, 2012). For instance Silvio Berlusconi, ex Italian Prime Minister, ‘maintains control of all but one of the country’s national TV channels and a sizable piece of its publishing industry while holding office’ (Randall, 2015) making impossible for the citizen to rely on the news as it was

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