
The Role Of Obesity In America

Decent Essays

All over the united States, companies have created so many fast food restaurants that made people fat. We live in a world where people work every single day and they never have time to eat good food. So they rely on fast foods such as empanadas, buying hot dogs from the vendors,etc. People never have time to buy healthy food because they are always in a rush. Obesity has changed throughout the years. Obesity was never a big problem back in the old days when TV’s wasn’t available in their houses. People back then used to be healthy because they had enough time to eat healthy food to support their hunger and continuing their day. Nowadays, you see people running with a slice of pizza in their hands just because they are running late to go to …show more content…

So they became lazy and they don't cook a healthy dinner at home. Americans love having things handed to them such as food without doing much effort and this concludes that with all of this greasy food that you are eating, you end up being obese and killing yourself at the end. According to Pros and cons Of a Zoning Diet by Manny Fernandez it states “A 2003 survey of nearly 3,000 New York elementary school children found that 24 percent were obese and 19 percent were overweight.” This means that their parents buy fast food to their kids and they don’t think about making them homemade food that's more healthier for them. With all of this said, people still eat Mcdonald's and other restaurants. Manny Fernandez states that, “Calistoga leaders banned McDonald’s and other fast-food chains to preserve the uniqueness and small-town charm of the city’s commercial areas."(Fernandez) This means that they are trying to prevent people from going to this greasy yet unhealthy foods to eat better foods such as salads, fruits and vegetables. People don't realize that eating enormous amounts of fat foods can kill you and can lead to …show more content…

Health care has provided with billions and billions of dollars to the injured people and to the sick to secure their lives and health. Over the years, they have been a bit more pricey and offering less and less benefits. The reason is a lot more diseases are occurring and obesity it's becoming common in the United States. For example, people who are believed to be healthy, they don't have to spend so much money on health care to get medicine at all. Obese people spend three times more than them because they have to buy pills to control their weight. According to Obese Americans Spend Far More on Health Care by Roni Caryn Rabin, it states "Obese Americans spend about $1,429 more on healthcare each year than the roughly $3,400 spent by normal-weight Americans.Most of the excess spending is for prescription drugs needed to manage obesity-related conditions."(Rabin) This means that people who are obese spend twice as more on health-care than regular people who are considered to be in a good condition.That's a big sign why healthcare is becoming more expensive because they have to solve and give their patients who have obesity problems under normal circumstances with

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