
The Role Of Slavery In Ancient Rome

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Emperor, slaves

The emperor was at the top of the social hierarchy, slaves, however, are on the bottom. Some emperors like nerve who helped stabilize the empire and balance the budget were good, other emperors like Nero who killed his own mother and kicked his second wife to death weren't.

Work life (slaves)

In ancient Rome, slavery played an important role in society and the

economy. Some slave owners beat their slaves and slaves that ran away could be killed. Slaves could not fight or argue with their masters, they had to do exactly as they were told or else they would be punished. If a slave killed his master then all the other slaves in the household would be killed. Both men and women were sold as slaves because equality, young boys were also sold into slavery and they were the most expensive slaves because they were young so they could be your slave for a long time unless you freed them. If slaves got married and had kids their kids would automatically become slaves. Most parents, that were slaves would kill their children rather than being a slave. Slaves wore old destroyed clothing and were never educated.

Work life (emperor) …show more content…

The throne could pass to brothers, stepson's or even favored courtiers and any heir had to be approved by the Senate. Some emperors, like Nero or Domitian, have passed into history as models of erratic, paranoid tyrants; others, like Diocletian, were able administrators, providing good government (unless you were a Christian) in which case you were in great peril. Emperor’s children went to the best schools and wore expensive

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