
The Role Of Sulphur Dioxide On White Wine?

Better Essays research question
What is the role of sulphur dioxide in white wine? background theory
Wine has been a popular beverage for many years amongst different societies. The process of winemaking is one of the most complex and detailed processes, where every step is meticulous towards ensuring the best quality wine is produced. However, different phenomena are able to affect the wine even after it is bottled and stored.
Oxidation is the chemical process by which an electron is removed from an atom, or group of atoms, through reactions that may or may not involve oxygen addition or hydrogen loss. With the exception of some, the overall effects of oxidation in food products are considered detrimental and can cause loss of nutritional value and development of off-flavours. (Clementine, H., 2014) Over the years, wine oxidation has been linked to sensory and olfactory unpleasantness, with the exception of deliberate oxidation to achieve certain qualities.
Wine has several critical components, which create its complex aroma and flavour profile, that oxidise with air. The main oxidisable compounds in wine are phenolics, which include wine pigments. Phenolics or a phenol molecule has a benzene ring structure with a hydroxyl or alcohol functional group (OH) – directly bonded to the benzene ring.
Ethanol is another one of the key components that reacts with oxygen according to the equation: CH3CH2OH + O2  CH3COOH + H2O
The ethanol

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