
The Role Of The Controversy Of Rebellion In Rhode Island

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The year is 1772. The British has sent a ship, the HMS Gaspee, to enforce trade laws in Rhode Island. The citizens of the state have always avoided trade regulations by smuggling shipped goods in and out of their own ports. The idea behind the upcoming arrival of the British ship annoyed the colonists and they formed a plan to get rid of it. The citizens near the ports lured the HMS Gaspee ashore, they shot the commanding officer, captured the crew, and set fire to the ship. King George III was furious about this act of defiance from the colonists and immediately began to offer rewards to anyone who would turn in a culprit of the attack. The British also appointed a commission of inquiry to investigate the act of rebellion. The colonists of Rhode Island chose to not reveal any information. …show more content…

Anyone who was believed to be a suspect was immediately sent straight to England for trial. This was a threat to the rights of the Americans because they were nit given the right to trial by jury of peers or the right to a local trial just like they would as Englishmen. A British court made it nearly impossible to have a witness available or the ability to prove innocence. The fact that the British completely overlooked the American court system, inspired American leaders to create Committees of Correspondence and eventually the First Continental

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