
The Role Of The Hero In Allen Steele's The Death Of Captain Future

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In most novels, comics or short stories the reader expects that the hero will be a strong, handsome, charismatic man who always saves the day. This image can be completely thrown out the window in Allen Steele's “The Death of Captain Future”. Our unlikely heroes in this short story are antiheroes or flawed heroes, who have a tragic flaw due to a horrible past, selfishness or not having entirely pure intentions. Rohr Furland a spacer and Bo McKinnon captain of the Comet are two characters that are unlikely heroes. Rohr Furland is a selfish man who is more concerned about his life plans than the needs of others. While Bo McKinnon is ready to leap into danger but fails to take caution. Although McKinnon and Furland are unlikely heroes, they both have a redeeming quality. Furland is willing to give the glory to someone else so they can die with honor. While McKinnon’s is willing to put the needs of the many over the needs of the few first. …show more content…

While investigating a distress call sent out by Fool’s Gold, our hero McKinnon makes a fatal mistake: "Captain Future, Man of Tomorrow, dauntless hero of the spaceways. In his search for adventure, McKinnon had recklessly entered the vessel without bothering to don a suit." (562). Since McKinnon threw caution to the wind in his attempt to be a hero he, unintentionally got himself infected with the Titan Plague which is incurable. While his heart was in the right place, his lack of caution led to his unfortunate death in his attempt to be a

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