
The Role Of The Juvenile System For Young People

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In the current society today, it is very common for young people to take part in criminal activities. However, the role of the Juvenile system is to make sure they are convicted as a ‘young offenders’ where courts will looks to provide them with the most appropriate sentencing for young people (applies for young people under the age of 18). This is due to young people lack maturity hence their thinking process differ from adults, as a result, they are more likely to commit in risky and anti social behaviors influenced by their peers (, 2015). In Australia, both welfare and justice model is used in the criminal justice system where the welfare model argues for the need for rehabilitation for young offenders whereas, the justice model adopts the concept that it’s within the young offender’s choice to commit crime. The models above is what shapes the juvenile systems where in the past 10 years many alterations has been made by key players such as the police, court and government/the state in order to protect youth offenders from harsh punishments and to implement the idea of a law conformity society. To further improve the Juvenile Justice the key players also looked into its major weakness which is the over representation of Indigenous youth and to develop strategist to overcome this predominant issue.

The State and the Government shaped the history of the juvenile justice system where many changes were made in order to improve the overall system. The State and the

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