
The Role Of Women In Medea By Euripides And Antigone

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In the ancient Greek texts, Medea by Euripides and Antigone by Sophocles, the role of women was challenged by the actions each women endured. By using over dramatic situations, the true place for a woman during this time period is exposed. The role of a man and a woman at this time were incredibly contrasting. Through the defiant acts of women, the authors of Medea and Antigone displayed the weak role of women in a male-dominant society, and reactions such as exile occur in order to limit the reformation in society.
By simply being a woman in Ancient Greece, many rights and privileges were limited. No matter the effort or hard work to be seen as strong and equal, a woman would always be an outsider. With no rights or justices, there was no hope to live great lives. This led women to stay foreigners and have little say in the world they lived in. This became a concept where women constantly saw themselves a less than men and would think “we are women and as are not made to fight with men” (Sophocles 346). They felt there was no need to challenge their place since it was already set in stone. Women felt weak and powerless with these heavy standards. To occupy their time, women would follow the roles society imposed on them. Taking care of their children and family was the only job seen fit for women at the time. There was no room for a woman to have any other job or right because the society was completely run by men. Authors Euripides and Sophocles both exhibited the prime

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