
The Role Of Women In Pompeiian Society

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Before uniting the entire Pompeiian society, people first had to come to terms with other individuals with the same economic standing as themselves. Banquets served as perfect opportunities for Pompeiians to meet and invoke conversation with people of their same class and status. When Pompeiians hosted banquets, they would invite people of similar, or the same economic status. Banquets gave people a chance to discuss news, or any other topic they wished to talk about with other Pompeiians who they did not see daily. This also served as a way to introduce people to new ideas and beliefs. Banquets were also opportunities for hosts to flaunt their wealth and luxurious possessions. Although this does not sound like it encourages unity, …show more content…

Everyone did not necessarily have to have the same beliefs, but rather respect and be able to civilly discuss their ideals and beliefs with the people around them Elections were held annually for Pompeii’s two most desirable and hard to achieve positions in office: the duoviri and aediles. The duoviri had a leadership role, and would perform tasks such as conducting the census, while the aediles would plan gladiator and animal fights, and had more simple tasks such as overseeing the public baths and sanitary levels of the streets of Pompeii. These simple roles that were done by the aediles helped promote unity in Pompeii since they helped people gather in a common area. Since elections were held often, this gave Pompeiians an opportunity to frequently discuss their political beliefs with each other. When discussing, they could be open to other opposing viewpoints, and take these opinions into consideration. In Pompeii, the duoviri and aediles were elected to the government, which means that the citizens of Pompeii had to vote for candidates that they thought would fit the position. Even this system of government promoted unity among beliefs in Pompeii since it required people to input their opinions, and agree on a candidate that was best fit to rule the city. A person in Pompeii who wrote letters and talked about everything from daily life to politics and beliefs was Gaius Plinius Caecilius Secundus, better

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