
The Role of Religion in Elementary & Secondary Education Essay

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Freedom of Religion is a liberty considered by many Americans to be one of the defining aspects of their country, but a line is drawn when one person’s freedom infringes upon another's. “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” “With those words, in the First Amendment to the Constitution, the fledgling United States of America became the first nation to place into law the notion that religious beliefs were a private matter for individuals who had the legal right to freedom of conscience, and that no government had the right or authority to dictate what religious opinions people shall or shall not hold.”1
“What schools need is a moment of science”. I laugh at the …show more content…

Of all the controversy, the subject that fuels the most passion is the creationism vs. evolution debate that has been fiercely contested ever since the theory’s inception. The theory of evolution states that all life has slowly evolved from “lower” animals to become what it is today, adapting to new stimuli, and passing on superior and beneficial genes as inferior or negative genes die out. For example: the neck of a giraffe at first glance seems ungainly and impractical. However, upon observation, we see that giraffes in their natural habitat use their neck to reach the highest leaves on the trees, and their tough tongues to tear them off. Evolution proposes that at one time, there was an ancestral ungulate - hoofed mammal - that fed off of the leaves on a tree. For its survival, the tree adapted and began to grow leaves higher up on its trunk, to avoid over consumption from the mammal. Trees that failed to follow suit would die from over consumption, failing to pass on their traits, leaving only the trees that grew their leaves higher up. The ungulates in turn would starve because they couldn’t reach the leaves. But a mutation would develop, causing a few ungulates to have somewhat longer necks. Naturally, they would survive – being able to reach their food – and the shorter-necked mammals would die. This is the notion of survival of the fittest, and a very basic explanation of evolutionary theory. On the

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