
The Roma And Its Impact On Today 's Society

Decent Essays

The Roma people also known throughout history as “gypsies” or “travelers”, have had a tremendous impact on today’s society. Today, there are approximately 12 million to 15 million Romani people throughout the world. The Roma’s history is very complex; they have experienced throughout history exclusion, discrimination, and persecution. The majority of the Romani people in today’s society live in Western Europe, the Americas, the Middle East, Asia, and Africa. The social and political organization of this group has a traditional, complex way of life. In their traditional economic culture, the Roma all have very similar occupations that consist mostly in the fields of entertainment, crafts, and trading. Religious practices vary with the Roma. All these component’s tie into the way the Roma people live which in some ways is very similar to ours.
The Roma history is vast and complex; the Romani people have been on this world for over a thousand of years. In those years, they received discrimination, persecution, and exclusion. Through most of their history, the Roma were typically classified in a social hierarchy as the “untouchables” or the “undesirables”. It has been said that the Romani people originated in India. As early as the fifteenth century, was the exodus of the Romani people of India. It is claimed that they moved out of India due to war and military invasion of India. I understand and sympathize the reason to move because the Romani people were at the bottom of the

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