
The Roman Principate, An Era That Has A Clear Induction Essay

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Contextually the Roman Principate is an era that has a clear induction in Roman History, as well as being a marker to the end of Republic. Through the lens of Historian Tacitus, the Roman Empire readjusted themselves into an autocracy by shifting the allegiance of not only the military, but the leading classes, and the common people. Historian Mary Beard walks the reader, in her book SPQR, through the emperors following Augustus, and their role in securing the empire. Tacitus’ work in the Annals coincides with the considerable problems that were facing the empire in the days of the Principate. This paper will look at how these problems manifested themselves in the emperor’s process to secure the loyalty of the three parties above. These issues are not exclusively new to the Republic, though they may seem different, many of the issues that the late Republic faced have been translated into the framework of the Principate. Same problems, different setting. Beard, in her book SPQR, states that “despite Augustus’ largely successful attempts to remove the Roman legions from politics, the few soldiers stationed in the city could wield an enormous amount of power if they chose.” The role the military played in the Roman republic is extremely important to the function of power. To have a secure position, the princeps, or emperor, needed to have the loyalty of the armies. Augustus defeated Antony because he had the loyalty of the armies. Claudius, though a more intellectual ruler,

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