
After The Fall Of Tarquinius Superbus’ Reign Of Rome, The

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After the fall of Tarquinius Superbus’ reign of Rome, the Brutus and Collatinus led patrician revolution leads to the beginning of a new era in Roman history: the republic. The early republic is mostly a patrician favoring institute and created it in order “to restore power and privileges that popular royal tyrants had usurped from them” and to make it “difficult for any one aristocrat to acquire too much power at the expense of the rest” (Ward 59). Greek historian, Polybius, in his book, Histories, talks about the greatness of this Roman republic and its constitution by claiming: “Now the elements by which the Roman constitution was controlled were three in number, … and all aspects of the administration were, taken separately, so fairly …show more content…

The Roman state at this point could not supply its army with weaponry so it required its soldiers to do so. This slowly changes during the Struggle of the Orders, with middle and lower class citizens having the right to be a part of the army and other reforms were introduced including payment for servitude (Ward, 69). In the following centuries, the republic did not severely reform the military’s enrollment strategy, other than during the latter part of the 2nd Punic War. Scipio was able to convince Roman citizens to volunteer for an expedition to invade Africa. This was the first time the state did not enforce its law requiring soldiers to be property owners (Ward 110), because of the huge losses incurred during the previous battles of the war. The next set of military reforms come in 107 BC by then consul, Gaius Marius. These reforms expanded Rome’s army vastly and was influential in Rome’s future conquests, as well as protecting Rome from invaders. The reforms also gave military leaders more power than ever, and swayed soldiers to being loyal to their commanders instead of the Roman state. Marius, himself, is a very unlikely person to bring this kind of reform to the Roman army given his background. Although there is some conflicting sources as to Marius’ parents occupations with Plutarch claiming that they were poor peasants, “who supported themselves by their daily labour” (Plutarch 549), and other sources

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