
The Roseto Mystery By Malcolm Gladwell

Decent Essays

In the book “Outliers”, Malcolm Gladwell begins the novel with an introduction recounting Stewart Wolf’s breakthrough with the understanding of healthcare, and relates it to his goal to expand the reader’s understanding of success. Gladwell starts “The Roseto Mystery” with a description of the small town of Roseto, Italy, a bustling community filled with lively Italians and its immigration and recreation in Pennsylvania. Just as the complex town of Roseto implants itself into America, Gladwell integrates thought-stimulating devices into his anecdote of the community of Roseto and success. David Leonhardt, a columnist for the New York Times, describes Gladwell as a clear and concise writer. Gladwell’s chapter, “The Roseto Mystery”, embodies …show more content…

These differing lengths of sentences allow his writing to flow, get the reader directly to the point, and cause some sentences to stick out. In the middle of this chapter, Gladwell introduces the physician, Stewart Wolf. In the next four paragraphs following his introduction of Wolf, Gladwell places a sentence of just four words at the beginning of each paragraph. He uses sentences like “Wolf was a physician”, “Wolf was taken aback”, “Wolf decided to investigate”, and “The results were astonishing” (pg. 5-7). Each of these sentences jumps out from the paragraph and smoothly notifies the reader of Gladwell’s main intent for that paragraph. Gladwell also uses a mix of long and short sentences in the middle of his paragraphs. On page six, he writes, “This was the 1950s, years before the advent of cholesterol-lowering drugs and aggressive measures to prevent heart disease. Heart attacks were an epidemic in the United Sates. They were the leading cause of death in men under the age of sixty-five”. In this case, Gladwell sandwiches the short sentence by two longer sentences giving it most of the reader’s attention. Alike to Gladwell’s use of varying sentence length, he uses dashes and italics to emphasize certain words and phrases. Dashes and italics are useful ways for a writer to artistically add texture to their works. During the course of “The Roseto Mystery”, Gladwell uses dashes in nine different sentences dispersed over the chapter. For example, on page

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