
The Rwanda Witness Analysis

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Wars end, and soldiers return to their previous lives. There are some that never fully return home physically, but also mentally. Eager to leave the battlefields, they’ve left a piece of themselves during the process. As Boaz continually dreams about his 26 dogs, with General Dallaire’s sleepless nights, and the My Lai veterans returning to Vietnam, they suffer physiologically throughout the decade and try to find resolution by revisiting their past and confronting their demons. In Guy Lawson’s, “The Rwanda Witness” Generel Romeo Dallaire spent 100 days in Rwanda and approximately 800,000 bodies dropped and he was helpless to do so. With no prior combat experience Dallaire has never dealt with casualties in his hands. He was innocent coming into a war torn country, Dallaire was bound to stumble into a rough patch. When had to deal with “the kingpin” he found himself in a situation …show more content…

He frequently has nightmares about those exact dogs attacking him; he has lived through it enough to remember specific details of the dog’s faces. He feels like there is a call for it. Boaz developed a fascination with his dream as he does with his love for math. It gives him a drive to want to know more as he bugs Ari about it. It goes the same for any of the pieces. There is a drive to want to know an answer so they have to search and look for it, even it if means confronting their greatest fear. That goes for the same with Carmi, he wanted to commit suicide after the war. He traveled so far away from Israel and lived outside its borders. Once Ari brings him in into the film he becomes hurt but finds a burning passion to find out what happened decades ago. There is homing theme that keeps bringing the characters together regardless of the physiological hurt they experience from it. It seems that they would find some resolution by partaking in Ari’s journey to find out what really

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