
The Scarlet Ibis Theme

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“The Scarlet Ibis” is a short story by James Hurt that describes the life and relationship of two brothers coming over challenges that has affected their lives. Doodle, the younger brother has struggled with a variety of health issues since he was born resulting in the inability to walk. Doodle’s older brother has always struggled with the idea that his brother isn’t “normal”. This caused him to resent Doodle for not being the brother he imagined. The narrator's desire to have a normal brother becomes so great that he chooses to help his brother learn to walk. This task challenges both of them mentally and Doodle physically. The way the narrator teaches Doodle to walk at times could be cruel, but Doodle did learn to walk. The narrator's …show more content…

One of the main reasons Doodle’s brother begins to teach Doodle how to walk is because he doesn't want a brother that isn’t normal. When the narrator finally teaches Doodle how to walk they decides to show their parents, the development Doodle has made. Their parents are absolutely overjoyed that their son can walk, but Doodle’s brother is crying. He is crying because he knows that the only reason Doodle can walk is because of his self centered needs. “They did not know that I did it for myself… Doodle walked only because I was ashamed of having a crippled brother.” (Hurt pg#) Doodle’s body could barely take the stress that came with learning to walk, yet the narrator still pushes Doodle to do more. He wants doodle to be just like the boys at school, the boys that run around, and play on the playground. Doodle’s body can not handle the amount of pressure all of these activities and workouts the narrator is putting Doodle’s body through. The narrator was not content with Doodle just learning to walk, his selfish ways wanted Doodle to be like a regular kid, but Doodle’s body can’t take that amount of pressure and in result he died. The cruelness the narrator shows over the course of their relationship ultimately killed him. Even when Doodle was a young boy the narrator chose cruel ways to torture his brother. Everyone thought Doodle was going to die as a baby so his parents got a casket built, however remarkably Doodle lived. His parents

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