
The Science Of Human Sexuality Essay

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Sexology, an idea truly founded during the late nineteenth century, is the science of human sexuality and fixates on the non-reproductive physical and conceptual functions of sex. Methodically researching physical sexual behavior and objectively analyzing concepts of sexual desires, knowledge, and fantasies, sexology examines human sex and sexual identity in its raw, realistic, and carnal form. The science includes aspects of psychopathologic study in its evaluation of individuals’ sexual identities, attained by observing which sexual acts an individual engages in and what his or her objects of sexual desire are. This science of sexology matured into its esteemed area of study in three stages, which span the late nineteenth century through the late twenty first century. Preceded by an era of largely constrictive and suppressive sexual culture, the initial phase and of sexology arose in Germany and her surrounding countries from the 1860s through 1890s. Karl- Marie Kertbeny first used “sexology” as a term in 1869. Richard Krafft-Ebing authored Psychopathia Sexualis (1886) and propelled Sexology’s initial stage by using the text to understand what “normally” functioning sexualities and lifestyles were, procreation-focused, opposite-sex exclusive ideologies that perhaps represented sexuality in an ideal world. However, Krafft-Ebing’s text goes on to observe and record the true actuality of what sexuality looked like for people and solidifies stage one as a stage of

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