
The Science Of Resilience By Bari Walsh

Decent Essays

In the science of resilience, Bari Walsh defines the meaning of resilience by using Jack Shankov’s definition - “a positive, adaptive response in the face of significant adversity”. (gse.harvard). Basically resilience is the capacity to quickly recover from toughness of life. As a first college student nearing the end of semester, we begin to face many tough situations such as more responsibility as student, being independent, time management and finances. How ever, there is a way for first college students to get over such beginning tough life by fostering the resilience. In order to do this, we students as well as faculty members, friends and families should cooperate with each other. College means a different thing for people but one thing for sure is, it is freedom. Coming straight out of high school, we first college students have no longer families or teachers help in academics or other things on large scale than high school. Well in college, we are thought to be a responsible person to go to class on time, sleep on time and navigate through out the campus so that you would be familiar with classes and know where to seek help from. Being in college, you cannot even be late to your some of the classes due to the attendance policy. And the example of this is when one time I was late for 3 minutes to my one of classes called ASU 101. Yes, three minute and the professor reduced my attendance grade to 50%. I could not believe how series even the attendance is.

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