
What Does Resiliency Mean To You

Decent Essays

What does resiliency mean to you? Well, I read multiple definitions and came up with one on my own. How I define resiliency is as the ability to restore yourself from unexpected change. Every single person on earth has encountered a change at some point in their life. I have had plenty of changes in my life, mostly in my childhood. As a result of all the change I am fairly familiar with resiliency.
A resiliency factor I am currently making progress on in my life is to establish and maintain connections. My two best friends who I haven't seen for months, I would see every day in high school. Our connection has decreased drastically. I am always trying to communicate with them via text messages but they message back saying they're busy or they don't have time to meet up. I believe this is due to not being at the same place and at the same time. Like I mentioned above, we went to school together, therefore had classes and sometimes lunch together. Now, I’m lucky if I even get a text back from them. Both my friends work and do not attend L.C.C. Now that we're all adults we are busy and free time is a rare thing. …show more content…

Goals are an excellent thing to have in life. Goals keep you on track and push you harder to achieve them. Ever since I was a little one I wanted to be a Police Officer. I've changed my mind on career choices, but somehow always ended up at the same place: A Police Officer. My desire to become an officer only became stronger when I went on a ride along with the Springfield Police Department. After I graduated high school I enrolled here at L.C.C. and I am currently taking classes to get my degree in Criminal Justice so I can fulfill my lifetime

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