
The Science of Wheat Flour

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Most bread is made with wheat flour and when this flour is either kneaded or beaten, gluten starts to develop. This gives the dough its elasticity and its stretchy consistency. When the gluten proteins are coated with water high molecular weight glycoprotein weakened due to the cutting action of kneading and mixing and they are rearranged into layers to form gluten.
The two main proteins involved in the gluten making process are gliadin and glutenin. When starches are heated in water, they suck up the water and swell. They eventually bust and the water that was incased inside the granule comes out and forms a thick gel, this is called gelatinsiatation. This is not very common in bread as not much water is used, so most granules don’t bust but are incased with water. All of these starch granules are all linked and the gluten’s job is to break down and release water, which is absorbed by the starch granules. This in turn makes the gluten “set” and become stiff, which is why bread doesn’t fold when taken out of the oven.
Water’s main purpose is to hydrate the other ingredients. Water “feeds” the starch proteins as stated above which starts the forming of dough. Water is also dispersed evenly throughout the dough and since yeast needs moisture to work its magic water aids in this process.
Yeast has a couple of functions in the bread making process. The first is that the dough starts to expand due to the yeast and therefore produces the bread’s crumb. Secondly, yeast

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