
The Second Circle Of Hell In Dante's Inferno

Decent Essays

When someone passes away most people never speak of whether that individual went to heaven or hell. No one ever wants to bring up the reasons why someone might be denied into the gates of heaven and sent to hell. It’s also easier to remember to good instead of the bad, but what about those who will spend eternity in hell? In Dante’s Inferno, as Dante travels he comes across many important people that get to voice their stories on why and how they ended up going to hell. These stories give Dante a greater understanding on why hell exists. The second circle of hell is dedicated to those who sinned of lust. Lust is a sin of the body. Letting the attraction one has for another take over and become greater than the love that one has for God. While traveling through the second level Dante sees a strong wind blowing spirits around and around, this being their punishment. Of all the spirits there are two that are joined together and never broke apart. Dante is very intrigued by this so Virgil grants him the opportunity to hear their story. …show more content…

Francesca was married to a man named Gianciott, which was Paolo’s older brother. One day Francesca and Paolo where reading a book about a well-known love story. The words in the story where captivating to Paolo and Francesca so captivating that the book lead them to kiss each other. This kiss leads to the two falling in love and carrying on a deeper relationship that they thought was behind Gianciott’s back. Little did Paolo and Francesca know Gianciott saw the kiss and eventually violently killed them both. Francesca notes the fact that Gianciott is in a much lower part of hell. Paolo and Francesca where true lovers despite the fact that they sinned. After hearing the story Paolo starts to cry which touches Dante, and makes him feel bad for the

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