When someone passes away most people never speak of whether that individual went to heaven or hell. No one ever wants to bring up the reasons why someone might be denied into the gates of heaven and sent to hell. It’s also easier to remember to good instead of the bad, but what about those who will spend eternity in hell? In Dante’s Inferno, as Dante travels he comes across many important people that get to voice their stories on why and how they ended up going to hell. These stories give Dante a greater understanding on why hell exists. The second circle of hell is dedicated to those who sinned of lust. Lust is a sin of the body. Letting the attraction one has for another take over and become greater than the love that one has for God. While traveling through the second level Dante sees a strong wind blowing spirits around and around, this being their punishment. Of all the spirits there are two that are joined together and never broke apart. Dante is very intrigued by this so Virgil grants him the opportunity to hear their story. …show more content…
Francesca was married to a man named Gianciott, which was Paolo’s older brother. One day Francesca and Paolo where reading a book about a well-known love story. The words in the story where captivating to Paolo and Francesca so captivating that the book lead them to kiss each other. This kiss leads to the two falling in love and carrying on a deeper relationship that they thought was behind Gianciott’s back. Little did Paolo and Francesca know Gianciott saw the kiss and eventually violently killed them both. Francesca notes the fact that Gianciott is in a much lower part of hell. Paolo and Francesca where true lovers despite the fact that they sinned. After hearing the story Paolo starts to cry which touches Dante, and makes him feel bad for the
Paolo and Francesca represented, or symbolize, sinful love by example. They show how an intrinsically noble emotion, love, if contrary to God’s law, can bring two essentially fine persons to damnation and spiritual ruin. Dante’s personal response of overwhelming pity should not blind us to the justice of the penalty. Dante describes himself as fainting at the end of Francesca’s recital, his purpose is partly to portray the attractiveness of the sin. Dante allows the lovers the bitter sweetness of inseperability in Hell, but they have lost God and thus corrupted their personalities; they can hardly be considered happy. In a sense, they have what they wanted; they continue in the lawless condition that
Hell exists to punish sin. However hell is insinuated that it existed long before mankind was created so God didn't originally create hell for humankind, he created it to punish his angels when they fell from grace. For example a love of wealth and power, drives many souls to commit terrible sins. The second circle of hell contains those sinners who gave into excessive lust, including the memorable Francesca da Rimini. These sinners follow lust and desire, rather than chaste love like that between Dante and Beatrice. Dante also includes Sodomites in his vision of hell, a category including those who engage in homosexual
In Dante’s Inferno, there are nine circles of Hell. Dante goes through all nine circles, with his guide, Virgil, in hopes that he will make it to Heaven. In this Hell there are only four circles. This Hell is also called High School and the ultimate goal here is to go to Heaven, also called College. The four circles of High School include: the Regular students, the Honor students, the Artistic students, and the Athletic students. None of the groups are worse than the others, or lower down in High School. They are all on the same level, but they are separated into different groups. The person going through all four circles of High School is Freshman, Lilly Claire. Her guide through all of this is her big sister, Ainsley. As Lilly Claire
Reaching the Fourth Circle of Hell, Dante and Virgil encounter the souls of people who are punished for greed. This
Dante’s inferno was much more than just a journey through hell. Readers were able to take this journey with him as well. Readers got a first hand account of how an average Catholic man from the 14 century experienced hell. This journey was meant to be a lesson learned for all every single reader; this was a wake up call for everyone. Dante’s Inferno accomplished something that no other author had ever done, and that’s portray hell. No living man has ever witnessed hell for himself, yet due to this poem they actually have. Dante did much more than just give an overview of hell, but he gave a full scripted map of what hell was actually like. There was tons of detail that went along with the poem which made this journey so great. Dante lived during
Dante’s inferno shows the reader his interpretation of hell. In the book we see that depending on the sin that a person commits depends on which level of hell they go into. For example, someone that committed a crime of lust would go into the 2nd circle of hell. With the case of the Saint Valentine’s Massacre we can find out what circle of hell that Al Capone should go into. On February 14th, 1929 at 10:00am “four men burst into the SMC Cartage Company that Moran used for his illegal business” (O’Brien). The illegal business was selling alcohol during the time of prohibition. Two of the men that broke into the garage dressed up as police officers. These four men made everyone in the garage line up against the wall. This is when the shots started. Witnesses, alerted by the shots, watched as the gunman sped off in a black Cadillac that even had lights and sirens installed on it. The victims were left dead or left to die. There was a total of seven people killed in this event. “Al Capone and
Right away at entryways of the city of Dis, our dynamic duo enters the sixth circle of Hell (Heresy), where the Heretic people lay kept in bursting stone tombs. Virgil takes it upon himself to persuade the malicious soul gatekeepers to allow them to pass. He fails meaning that instead of continuing on with the journey, ante and Virgil must sit tight and wait for an angel to come down and inside barred their way force open the gates for them. After passing the city of Dis, Dante talks to Florentines Farinata Degli Uberti, who predicts that they will experience issues returning to Florence from the outside. He in like manner met along the way Cavalcante de' Cavalcanti the father of his friend Guido. As they continue with his journey they approach a valley that has a death-like a stench, Virgil revealed to Dante the structure of Hell is shaped like a cone.As they cross from the sixth to the seventh circle of Hell (Violence), they passed the Minotaur and met a group of centaurs, who shot the scalawags who tried to escape with their arrows.
In the story, Dante’s Inferno, Dante walks through the woods and becomes lost and afraid and ends up at the bottom of a mountain. As he travels up the mountain, he encounters and is stopped by 3 animals; a leopard, a lion, and a female wolf. They frighten him enough to cause him to turn back to the base of the mountain. There he meets the ghost of the Roman poet Virgil, who has been sent to guide Dante by three women in heaven, one of them is Dante’s lost love Beatrice, on a quest through hell to reach heaven. Virgil then guides him through the gates of hell, purgatory and the nine levels of hell. In hell, Dante and Virgil encounter all manner of sinners, each separated into their own specific level to be punished in ways that are catered to their specific type of sin. Although the story goes through nine layers of hell, the assigned reading only reaches onto the sixth level, which is where the Heretics are located.
The second circle of Dante’s hell is dedicated to punishing those who gave in to lust, subjecting them to being caught in a maelstrom. “For the lustful, or carnal sinners, they are blown around by a violent, never ending storm, never to rest. This is fitting because this is how one would imagine life being if one lived purely off of emotions; that is, uncontrolled, never settled” (Lundquist). The symbolism behind this is that, as they were caught up in the winds of passion in life, the souls of those who committed lustful acts will be caught up in a literal
Dante’s explanation of Hell has fascinated many individuals by the way it is explained, and more than likely made many use their mind and overthink it. When readers confront The Inferno, they might be surprised or blown minded by the way Dante explains what he went through. Many people after reading this might have changed their way of thinking of Hell because of Dante’s lecture, or maybe some still thought the same. Not everyone thinks that there is a heaven nor a hell, everyone has different believes depending on their culture and most importantly their religion. Religion is what makes people decide what they believe in and what not to believe in. When Dante passes through the gates of Hell he knew right away it was trouble without a doubt, he explains that there is different levels in Hell depending on what that individual might have done on earth. Virgil is the one who leads Dante into the Gates of Hell, as soon as Dante enters he then hears countless cries from the many souls that lived on earth and lived their lives without being aware of their moral choices. Virgil leads Dante to Acheron, which was a river, and it marks the border of Hell according to the book. Across it there will be many dead souls waiting to be crossed. Charon was an old man who recognizes Dante and tells him to stay away from the dead in Hell but then troubles them no longer. Unexpectedly fire and wind rises up from the
It is for the lustful. The punishment is being swept away by a whirlwind. As Dante and Virgil are in the second circle they meet a woman named Francesca and a man named Paolo. Francesca said she had committed the sin of adultery and that is why her and Paolo are in the second circle of hell. As Dante talks to Francesca he says to her “Francesca, what you suffer here melts me to tears of pity and of pain”. This shows that Dante was showing sympathy towards her as she suffers in Hell.
In Dante’s Divine Comedy, Dante is lost and enters a dark wood. Dante follows Virgil who is his guide, to the top of the mountain. Through this journey Virgil takes Dante through hell. In cantos 2-10 hell is organized into circles. The first circle is the Limbo, the unbaptized and pagans. In this circle Dante says the people are grieving for their undying loss. It is said on page 95, that this men, women and children are not sinners but lack fulfillment. Baptism is the gateway to faith. Pagans are lost in this circle not only because they lack Christian faith but for their lack in faith for the nature of things. The second circle is introduced in canto five for the souls of lustful people. Dante begins to hear grief, crying and shrieking. Dante claims that this is the least hateful of the deadly sins because it is a shared sin. This circle is for the people involved in sexual activities and affairs. The third circle is where the gluttonous are. The climate changes in this circle and the people are bothered by a heavy rain storm and a three headed dog. In this circle Dante meets a Florentine who talks about the disasters that will happen in Florence and the future for Dante. The fourth circle belongs to the hoarders and the spendthrifts pushing big rocks towards each other. Then, in the middle of crossing the circle Dante and Virgil are on the cliff to the Marsh of Styx, forming the fifth circle. The circle contains the river of hell and the wrathful
The first circle of hell is Limbo and this is where it is “a place of sorrow without torment” (Dante’s Inferno 1). The virtuous non-Christians and unbaptized infants reside in this circle. These people are not saved, but they did not sin. They are punished by being forced to live for eternity in an inferior version of Heaven. They are living in a castle that has seven gates. They represent the seven virtues. Dante sees many famous people of the past “like Homer, Socrates, Aristotle, Cicero, Hippocrates and Julius Caesar (9 Circles of Hell). He has the upmost respect for these public figures.
I agree with Poggiolo’s statement involving sympathy for Francesca because this means that even though Dante feels sympathy for both Francesca and Paolo, it does not erase the fact that they did commit the sin of adultery. Dante can feel sorry for their situation, but there is no way he can forgive them of the sin they committed. God did put them there so no matter how much pity Dante feels for them there is nothing he could do about their punishment in Hell.
In the second circle of the hell, Dante and Virgil soon saw the monster Minos, who stood before an endless line of sinners. Before Minos sent down the souls in their respective circle, sinners must confess their sins first, then Minos wraps his tail around the sinner a number of times indicating the circle number the soul must go. Hell is a place where God’s justice is observed. Those souls in hell are never defined. Every sinner clearly knows why they are in hell, and the circle they should go to. Therefore, I went into the circle of lustful