
The Self, By Robert Thurman

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The “self” is notion of oneself and qualities that distinguishes one individual from the other individuals. Self is consist of perspectives, characteristics, emotion and personalities of a person that makes them different from others. However, Robert Thurman implies that the "self" does not actually exist, and individuals have to become selfless in order to achieve a “fulfilling life.” He uses the word “pretend self” to describe that people 's identities are inherently false identities since individuals can control it. Therefore, according to Thurman in order to become the true self, individuals have to become “selfless”. Thurman discusses the importance of achieving the state of “selflessness” to find inner peace in his excerpt “Wisdom.” He encourages individuals to practice self-exploration, which can lead individual to give up their authentic self for the wellfare of others’ lives. become a “selfless” person, which then allows individuals to become flexible to change instead of staying fixated. On the other hand Beth Loffreda in her essay “Losing Matt Shepard: Life and Politics in the Aftermath of Anti-Gay Murder.” describes the effects of the violent act have on the town of Laramie. Loffreda discusses the town residents’ self-perception and how the minority community reacted to the murder of Matt Shepard.In contrast to Thurman 's’ argument, Loffreda describes the change in perspectives and actions of the residents, indicating that an individual 's “self” is not fixated

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