
The Seventh Man

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Forgiveness is a hard idea to manage, especially if you find yourself responsible for something that wasn't necessarily your fault. In The Seventh Man by Haruki Murakami, a man tells his childhood story when his best friend was swept away by a Tsunami wave while playing on the beach. The journey one must take to overcome self blame and guilt is a long one, and the seventh man is no exception. Not only was he plagued by nightmares for years (which caused him to move to a different town eventually) but it also caused extreme sadness and depression. The ways the seventh man took to finally be at peace with himself were well deserved. During his childhood years the seventh man was very close with his best friend, K. The relationship they shared was like a brotherly bond, the seventh man even claiming it to be stronger than his and his blood brothers. My real brotherly affection went to my friend K (Murakami, 134). It seemed as if the two boys spent every fleeting moment of their childhood together, until the accident of course. The seventh man held K in such a high regard that it makes complete sense how he would feel such remorse over the loss. …show more content…

During a hurricane, when the small town rested in the eye, the seventh man decided to head to the beach while taking K with him. All seemed still until there was a loud rumble and suddenly a large wave was coming towards the shore. Filled with fear, the seventh man ran to safety before trying to warn K of the danger, but the other boy was engrossed with something on the beach. He might have been so absorbed in whatever it was he had found that my call made no impression on him (Murakami, 137). This split second decision made a huge impact on the rest of the seventh man's

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